Acupuncture and moxibustion are safe methods used to turn a breech baby. Treatments can be started in clinic and continued at home.
Understand what treating the root cause of your illness means, and how acupuncture treatments can help get to the root of the issue.
Follow this step-by-step to reach your goals (health, personal, financial, professional), as shared by an Ottawa acupuncturist.
All your questions about acupuncture needles answered directly by an acupuncturist – safety, quality, size, and comfort.
Making your own nut milk is fast, easy, healthy, and economical. Follow these steps to make your own nut milk at home in ten minutes.
Addressing a chronic illness is challenging if you don’t target the 5 main factors that impact your health. Find out what these factors are.
There are so many misconceptions about acupuncture. Let’s discuss some acupuncture myths and set the record straight, once and for all.
Ottawa acupuncturist provides healthier beverage choices so that you can enjoy social drinks without hurting your system too much.
The endometriosis journey to receive a diagnosis is a particularly long one. Read acupuncturist Christina Najjar’s menstrual health story.
Everything you need to know about PCOS: how to get a diagnosis, its root causes, and management, including nutritional changes.
Menstrual cups are an environmentally friendly way to save money as a form of protection from leaks. Here we explore their pros and cons.
Healthy fats fill many different roles in the body. Use these strategies to ensure that your intake of fats is adequate.