What acupuncture for mental health can support?
Anxiety acupuncture seems to be more well known than natural treatment for other mental health concerns. Acupuncture works really well for managing generalized anxiety, stress, and providing a reduction in panic attacks.
Additionally, it can help with depression. Because there’s often an inflammation component in depression, targeting the root of the issue will include addressing what may be happening at the physical level.
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) can also be addressed. Much like depression, it involves addressing inflammation, but with the addition of also working on hormonal balance.
We can also make lots of progress in the management of trauma, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and complex post traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD). During these treatments, there is no need to revisit traumatic events to have a release. What’s happening with your health and your pulse will be enough to direct these treatments.
I can also provide general mood support. Many people seek help to deal with moods such as irritability, sadness, and grief.
Did you know that acupuncture for mental health can provide a lot of support?
In my acupuncture practice in Ottawa, even when we’re targeting issues like digestive concerns or fertility, we’re often also targeting the mental health aspect.
Frequently Asked Mental Health Acupuncture Questions
Can you help me work through addictions?
Acupuncture can provide support for working through addictions. It helps reduce cravings. It’s particularly known for its helpfulness to quit smoking.
Receiving additional mental health support is highly recommended while working through addictions.
Can I get acupuncture if I take medication for my condition?
Yes! The treatments will not interfere with your medication. When you fill out your intake forms, I do ask for a list of your medication. This helps me understand how your symptoms can be influenced. It also helps me ensure I don’t trigger any side effects of your medication.
How quickly will I see improvements?
This always varies so much from one person to the next. Certain concerns will improve much faster than others. We tend to see a faster improvement in concerns like stress and anxiety, for instance.
It often begins with noticing that the edge feels like it’s been taken off. Gradually, you will begin to notice other changes as well. In most cases, even your physical health will improve. Common results with acupuncture for mental health include improved digestion, healthier skin, and more balanced hormones.
What does a mental health treatment look like?
This will vary from one person to the next, and from one session to the next. During some appointments, we may focus on placing needles in the arms and legs. In other treatments, we may put more attention on treating the ear.
Regardless of the area treated, you will have the option of receiving treatment on a treatment table or in a reclining chair. Both options allow you access to a heating pad if you desire. Calming music and sounds help you relax during your treatment.
I need support for an undiagnosed condition. Will that impact my treatments?
Not to worry! Because acupuncture uses its own diagnostic system, it doesn’t matter whether you have a diagnosis according to the DSM-5-TR. Your symptoms and daily lived experience will be enough information to direct the treatment.